11 Ingenious Ways To Re-Use Tea Bags Around The House

5) Shrink A Wart

Before you freeze a wart off, try this remedy. Use a tea bag containing green tea (cooled) on top of the wart and secure it in place with an ACE bandage. After 15 minutes, replace it with a fresh new tea bag containing green tea. Reputably, the wart should fall off in a few days.

Credit: mostepicstuff.com
Credit: onegoodthingbyjillee.com

6) Freshen Up Stinky Shoes 

You worked out. Great! Unfortunately, the rest of the family doesn’t think so, for your shoes reek. Luckily, a dry tea bag can fix that problem. While this solution doesn’t involve a used tea bag, it is still genius. Just stick a fresh tea bag in a stinky shoe – or two, and the odor will be absorbed in no time.

Credit: viralportal.net
Credit: viralportal.net

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