20+ Surprisingly Useful Life Hacks From Over 100 Years Ago

21. Prevent new colored clothes from running

Credit: Gallagher Group

We all want our colored clothes to stay as bright as the day we bought them, but that often comes at the price of staining other clothes. To combat this, use this trick to extract some of the extra color. Some people suggest using it for new blue jeans.

22. Make a cork that’s too big fit into a smaller bottle

Credit: Gallagher Group

You can use a cutting board to apply pressure instead of your dirty shoes.

23. Remove buildup of mucus in the throat or nose

Credit: Gallagher Group

Catarrh is when you have a mucus buildup in your throat or nose, often upon waking in the morning. This trick is definitely useful for that issue. Some people reminded others that this hack is ironic coming from Gallagher’s Cigarettes because frequent smoking can actually be the cause of catarrh in the first place…

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