5 Challenges In Bowhunting And How To Overcome It?

Bowhunting is difficult enough without making it harder on ourselves. Here are 5 areas of concern and what you can do about them.

When you are out trying to catch deer, nothing short of undivided attention will do. You need to research your area, research your gear, know your equipment like the back of your hand, and be aware of the risks of exposure.

When it comes to bow hunting, you can never be too prepared. Here are some other challenges you might face while you are out in the field, and how you can overcome them.

The 5 Challenges of Bowhunting and How to Fix them

Let’s jump straight in with restricted movement. Wet, heavy, dense clothing is going to slow you down.

1 – Restricted Movement and Heavy Gear

The modern hunter has a plethora of excellent hunting supplies to choose from. When the oldest among us grew up, hunters still went out in jeans and a brown or green tee. The clothing was clunky, heavy, and got rain sodden, really quickly.

Fortunately, this problem has an easy fix. Modern bow hunting clothing is lightweight, waterproof, breathable, fleece lined – you name it and it’s out there. Some of the best gives you secure storage, maintains core body temperature, and keeps you cozy on those long stretches spent low to the ground.

Buy good gear and you won’t have a problem.

2 – Not Being Able to Draw

You’ve been crouched for an hour watching a young buck make its way out into the open. The time has come to take the shot. You raise your bow and try to draw, only to find that you have cramped your muscles so badly that you can’t draw your bow. It happens to all of us, even the best.

To overcome this bowhunting challenge, you need to know your bow inside and out. Practice with it even when you are not out hunting. Set up a target in your backyard and get good with it.

When you are out in the field, you must flex those muscles occasionally. We’ve all been caught out trying to shift position slowly, but a flex won’t scare the animals away. This is another reason why good gear is essential. The less cold and wet you are, the less likely you are to cramp[i].

3 – Wearing the Wrong Camouflage

There is a modern myth that hunters wear the wrong camouflage, but this belief is widely held by those familiar with camo in the military. You see, military camo hides people from people. Hunter’s camo hides people from animals. They were always going to be different.

Where you might wear the wrong camo is in the time of year and your location. Whites and greys won’t do in summer just as greens and yellows are no good in winter. So, make sure your camo suits both the undergrowth of your spot and the time of year.

4 – You have limited range

One of the things that makes bowhunting harder than hunting with a rifle is the range. You need to be close. Even the strongest recurve bow is only useful for a couple of hundred feet, and even then, only if you have a good shot. When you are hunting with a rifle, you have 1000 yards to play with[ii]. You don’t need to be anywhere near a deer to kill it.

When you are using a bow, you have a duty of care to the animals you hunt. You want the shot to be clean enough to kill it with one shot. The last thing you want is to maim the poor animal and have it attracting predators or dying a slow death.

Basically, you better be good with that bow before you even think about taking it to hunt with. It’s your moral responsibility.

5 – Being Silent

Since you must get closer to the animals, a bowhunter must be quieter and stiller than any other[iii]. Make no mistake, bow hunting is one of the most complex types that there is. It involves skill, attention to detail, and craftsmanship. Learn how to move silently and you will be a successful hunter.

[i] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-causes-cramps

[ii] https://www.quora.com/What-is-one-of-the-special-challenges-that-sets-bowhunting-apart-from-rifle-hunting

[iii] https://www.deerhunter.eu/en/blog/hunting-forms/bow-hunting


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