Does My Building Contain Asbestos?


Asbestos was once a valuable construction material for homes and buildings. Most old homes in America built before 1970 still contain high asbestos content. Since it was cheap and durable many homeowners used it for the construction of ceiling tiles, floor tiles, roof shingles, sidings, and pipe cement. However, the use of this mineral was minimized in many countries after numerous studies found out that it was a leading cause of deadly diseases such as malignant mesothelioma.

If you or your loved one has been recently diagnosed with mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos, you need to know that your chance of receiving a handsome compensation for your injuries from the manufacturer of the asbestos is very high. Be sure to work with an experienced and dedicated asbestos lawyer because such cases are usually very intricate and require an attorney who is well trained and understands the ups and downs of dealing with a life-threatening disease.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos can be defined as a group of naturally occurring fiber found in rock. It is made up of a silicate mineral composition and this is what makes it extremely durable and heat resistant. One physical characteristic of asbestos is that it can break apart into very tiny fibers that cannot be seen by the naked eye but can cause serious harm to your body. Once inhaled the fibers can lodge in your lungs for years and create scar tissue. Decades later, you may experience devastating medical concerns such as cancers like mesothelioma or a severe lung disease known as asbestosis.

Does Your Building Contain Asbestos?

If you live or work in an older building, there is a high chance that asbestos was used in the construction. Here are a few construction materials that may contain asbestos.

1. Corrugated Roofing

Most corrugated roofing that was sold in the early 1920s to the late 1970’s contained asbestos. The roof shingles contain a substance known as chrysotile which is commonly known as white asbestos. Asbestos fibers cannot be seen or tasted and it can be impossible to detect them on your own. If you suspect that your building has asbestos, ask a professional to collect a sample from your home for testing.

2. Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring tiles with paper were often made using asbestos in the 1950s. If your vinyl floor was installed in those years consider getting your building checked for asbestos contamination.

3. Cement Water Tanks

Cement water tanks in older homes contain about 5 to 10% asbestos content. If your building has an old cement water tank be sure to call an asbestos testing consultant to look into it, especially if it is damaged or you need to replace it.

One thing you should remember is that you are only at risk of getting exposed to asbestos when you breathe in the tiny fibers that are released into the air. If you are planning on renovating the old building that you suspect contains asbestos, be sure to contact a licensed asbestos company to inspect the building and issue a formal report. Secondly, you can avoid disturbing the material to prevent exposure to yourself and others. Asbestos can be deadly and taking the right precautions such as working with the right professionals can save you from a lot of pain in the future.

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