A Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon Guide To Safe Cosmetic Surgery Recovery

Source: https://cdn.professionalbeauty.com.au

Cosmetic surgery, throughout the years, has gained fame and acceptance not just by celebrities but by ordinary men and women as well. And while many have begun to embrace the beauty that science enhances, the ways and techniques have also improved.

If you are currently reading this post, then most likely, you are considering having your cosmetic procedure. To contribute to your preparation towards a more beautiful and confident you, compiled below are a few tips to ensuring a safe recovery from a plastic surgeon Baton Rouge procedure.

1. Pamper your skin.

There is a possibility that your skin will really get red after surgery. To avoid discoloration and pigmentation, you would really want to pamper your skin by using mild and hypoallergenic products. From cleansers to moisturizers, make sure the products you will lather on your skin are gentle, non-soap, and fragrance-free.

2. Protect your skin from the sun.

Sun exposure may cause irritation to your tender skin. It is recommended that after your procedure, you should avoid direct sunlight. Sunscreen is your best friend until your skin goes back to its normal self. SPF30 to SPF40 is sufficient as something higher has a tendency to block and clog your pores. If you are still nursing your hurting skin, stay away from the sun, and be attentive with your sun protection.

3. Don’t pick on your wounds.

Picking on your peeling skin or scabs can be tempting. But no matter how appealing it may seem, control yourself as picking it out will not speed up the healing, but it most likely will result in infection or worse scarring. Let your wounds and your skin heal on their own.

Source: https://s.hdnux.com

4. Increase water intake.

On a regular basis, doctors recommend the daily water intake of 6 to 8 glasses. Drinking eight glasses or more will aid in the rejuvenation of your tired and still tender skin. Moreover, water helps flush out any toxins in your body and will assist remove unnecessary organisms or particles that might have entered your body during surgery.

5. Avoid strenuous activities in the meantime.

Because you just underwent a change in your body, whether it is a nose lift or a tummy tuck, you are better off resting and regaining your strength. Reserve your workouts and strenuous activities when you are 100% back to your old self, and your wounds have healed. Your heart rate and blood pressure must be toned-down to prevent bleeding, as this will delay healing.

While you might say your job is not stressful, surgeries require complete rest afterward.

6. Follow your doctor.

Surgeons discuss and recommend recovery plans before the procedure. Make sure to follow their instructions and go to your scheduled follow-ups. Follow-ups will give you a chance to ask further questions or if you are experiencing any problems or pain. Letting your doctor know of your progress will help your healing physically and can also put your mind more at ease, knowing that your doctor is up to date with your condition.

Source: https://www.health.qld.gov.au

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