40 Amazing Animal Photos Taken Seconds Before The Unexpected Turn Of Events

16. Best Pet Ever?

Though in Oxford, Florida, the owner of a Burmese python is facing prison time after her pet killed her daughter, this woman seems really calm while swimming with a pet that can eat her in one single bite. According to the United States Geological Survey, Burmese pythons are nonvenomous and ‘Human fatalities from non-venomous snakes are very rare, probably averaging one or two per year worldwide”, hopefully, this wasn’t one of them.

17. This One Is Just For Research Purposes

“..The story of this particular photograph began on a perfectly calm and glassy sea. I tied myself to the tower of the White Shark Trust research boat and leaned into the void, precariously hanging over the ocean while waiting patiently…When the shark’s dorsal fin emerged, I thought I had the shot but hesitated a fraction of a second. In that moment, the research assistant in the kayak, Trey Snow, turned to look behind him, and I took the shot. Throughout the day I shot many more similar images…”. Thomas P. Peschak, ocean researcher, and conservation photographer.

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