Are Rehab Facilities Impacted By Covid-19?

Los Angeles Times

By now, you are probably aware of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has already infected millions and claimed the lives of over 300,000 people, and the number continues to grow. Some populations face unique challenges during this pandemic. In America alone, around 23 million people suffer from a substance use disorder. These people cycle in and out of rehab facilities such as homeless shelters, emergency departments, correctional centers, and addiction treatment facilities. People with substance abuse disorders are at a higher risk of becoming homeless or being incarcerated due to crime. As such, they face unique challenges regarding the transmission of Covid-19. This article highlights the impacts of Covid-19 on rehab facilities.

  1. Settings. Treatment of substance use disorder often happens in outpatient settings. As such, people suffering from substance abuse disorder can go to work, take medication, attend group therapy, and go back home. Some of them visit hospitals and other rehab facilities. Others participate in large-group gatherings such as Alcoholics Anonymous. All these settings require close interaction, which is against what health officials recommend during the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, most people with substance use disorder have abandoned their treatment for fear of being infected. Moreover, some of the lockdown regulations enacted by most governments have made it difficult for such individuals to access rehab facilities.
  2. Medication. Some rehab facilities, especially those that offer opioid treatment programs, require their patients to come in daily to receive medication. The coronavirus has changed this type of medication. Most facilities now allow take-home doses and reduce pickup schedules. Some rehab facilities have also adapted by enabling providers to prescribe refills that do not require visits to the center.
  3. Technology. The coronavirus pandemic has seen most people using technology to get their work done. The health sector is no different. The use of Telehealth and phone visits allows the safe assessment of patients. After evaluation, health providers can safely provide take-home medications to symptomatic patients.
  4. Disinfection. According to WHO, people can prevent the spread of coronavirus by maintaining proper hygiene. Rehab facilities need to implement thorough disinfection of surfaces, including door knobs, stairwells, elevator buttons, and others. Every patient and staff should also wash their hands with soap and water regularly. Some locations may consider hand sanitizers contraband because of their alcohol content. However, each rehab facility should provide them to curb the coronavirus spread.
  5. Seeking Treatment. Even with the current pandemic, the risk of alcohol poisoning and other drug overdoses still outweigh the risk of contracting the disease. As scientists discover new evidence on Covid-19, the world appears to be managing the virus’s spread. People struggling with addiction need to continue seeking help since overcoming addiction can make a significant difference between life and death. If you are struggling with addiction, contact the drug rehab facilities NH to receive the best care during this pandemic.

Substance abuse weakens the immune system of your body. A weak body is prone to diseases, including Covid-19. Seeking help is a sure way to build your immune system and avoid the disease.

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