15 Athletes Who Cheated On Their Wives But Were Forgiven

Choosing Each Other

Source: Screenshot from https://www.dailyherald.com

It would seem that this scandal got so huge that it was splashed on almost every single tabloid and website, but the problem was, it wasn’t fake news. While both couples struggled and rumors also spread that Chanel was filing for divorce from Fielder, despite the fact that she did the cheating, they remained together after Prince was traded to the White Sox. And amazingly, Garcia and his wife, Anakarina, managed to work out their differences and rather than split up, chose to stay married too.

Dwayne Wade

Source: Screenshot from https://www.nba.com

Dwayne Wade met his future wife, actress Gabrielle Union, at a charity event back during Christmas of 2013. Things would escalate quickly in their relationship, but sadly, they would also take an ugly turn. During their short time together, Wade would end up getting another woman pregnant. And although Wade insisted at the time that he and Gabrielle were “on a break,” the truth would eventually come out that this just wasn’t the case.

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