‘Bailey, No Ordinary Cat’ Is Really Like No Other Feline You’ve Seen Before.

Abused Once More

Source: http://www.erinmerryn.net

Horribly, Erin was abused once more between the ages of 11 to 13, and again at the hands of someone she knew. This time, it was an actual family member, and the sad fact of the matter is, most abuse cases happen with people that the victims already know.

Finding Her Voice

Source: http://columbian.com

Erin would eventually find out that her sister was also being abused by the same man. This gave her the courage to find her voice and speak out about the abuse since she felt like someone would finally believer her. Erin shared, “My innocence was killed as a child, my trust was taken, but I reclaimed my voice and am now determined that every child have a VOICE!”

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