Breaking: Dick Van Dyke Publicly Endorses His First Candidate In 50 Years!

90-year-old comedy legend Dick Van Dyke recently made headlines for declaring his preferred presidential pick. Surprise? It’s Bernie Sanders.

In a video released this past week, the infamous actor stated:

“In Bernie Sanders I see a man saying that the emperor has no clothes, while everyone around him insists they see clothes. Whether or not he makes it to the White House, I hope and pray that everyone hears the alarm he is sounding now, it may be the last voice we ever hear.”

The warning can’t be missed. Without a doubt, the upcoming election matters more than you might think.

As IfYouOnlyNews relays, this message is important for quite a few reason. First, Van Dyke has been around and in the entertainment industry for 70+ years. Undoubtedly, he’s witnessed his fair share of political corruption and chicanery inside and outside of the industry.

Second, this is the first time the talented actor, singer, and writer has been passionate enough about a candidate to publicly endorse anyone.

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Finally, Sanders is largely viewed as a candidate who appeals only to the millennial generation. Van Dyke’s hefty endorsement obliterates the thought that the “Democratic Socialist” has nothing to offer the aged 60+ crowd.

With the iconic actor’s endorsement, Sanders may finally have the traction he needs to win.

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