Five Common Mistakes To Avoid When You’re Working On Your Abs


Here’s a scenario. You are motivated, you have been hitting the gym regularly, watching your calories, doing a hundred crunches before bed, following the best ab workouts there are, but you still don’t have the abs of your dreams.

If the scenario sounds familiar, I have good news. Don’t lose hope. If you haven’t seen the results you want despite putting in the effort, you could be making some basic slipups that are hindering your progress.

We’ve put together a list of some common mistakes that that hold back your progress — and how you can avoid them.

1. Rushing through workouts.

There is a lot to be said about the pace at which you complete your workouts. Rushing through the moves and reps won’t help you get a flat stomach.  Do your moves and reps methodically, since slow and controlled movements make your workout more effective. Slower movements allow more muscle fibres to be engaged in completing the exercise.

2. Doing the wrong exercises.

Contrary to popular belief, sit-ups are not a good exercise for your stomach. Most people strain and work from their necks while attempting sit-ups. This shifts the focus of the exercise to the hips rather than the intended target – abs. Exercises that really help develop abdominal muscles are the ones that work the deepest layers of the muscles in your abdomen. Examples of such exercises are those based on the concept of Pilates, like bicycle crunches and plank poses. Other functional moves that engage the entire body, like kettle-bells or using stability balls during crunches, also dial up the effective power of your exercises.

3. Breathing incorrectly during exercise.

While proper breathing is important while any form of exercise, it is especially important during ab workouts. You should focus on when you inhale and exhale while you complete any moves that are designed to work your abdominals. Incorrect breathing pushes the stomach out, which negates any work you’re doing. If you are performing a crunch you should inhale as you prepare to begin. Then you can start exhaling when you start to curl up, holding your abs in throughout the move. If you can exhale while pulling the abs you will definitely notice a difference immediately.

4. Consuming the wrong foods.

While working out is a definite factor, it is universally acknowledged that abs are actually made in the kitchen. A healthy diet is the most sure fire way to ensure that the flat abs you crave are an actual possibility. You could do sit ups and crunches till you’re blue in the face, but the fact remains that if you consume too many calories, or consume the wrong calories, your sexy six-pack will forever remain hidden under a stubborn layer of belly flab.

Limiting your consumption of refined carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol and opting instead for lean proteins and non-starchy fruits and vegetables is your best bet to achieve the abs you desire.

5. Sleeping too little.

If you regularly skimp on the amount of sleep your body needs you may end up gaining weight. Inadequate sleep affects your hormone levels, blood sugar, and your metabolism. So turn down the covers and catch try to sleep for at least 8 – 9 hours daily. Your abs will be grateful.

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