How To Potty Train An Older Dog

Has the time come for you to start the potty training process for your older dog? You’re not alone; dog owners are asking the question, “How to potty train a dog?”

Besides the general tips and tricks you can use during any training, a few extra tips are needed to house train an older dog.

Keep reading to find out how to potty train an older dog.

Establish A Potty Training Schedule

Establishing a potty training schedule is an essential first step when potty training a dog. First, determine your dog’s age and how long he can stay in his crate without going to the bathroom.

Start by going to the bathroom every few hours, then slowly lengthen the time between visits. Keeping to a regular schedule and taking your dog out consistently is essential.

Before you let your dog out of his crate, walk him to the spot outside where he’s supposed to go potty and tell him to “go potty” a lot before and during the visit. Repeat these steps daily to reinforce the schedule until your dog learns it.

Make Potty Time A Positive Experience

Establish a positive and encouraging attitude each time you take your dog to the potty. Use a command such as “go potty,” and make the potty time a positive experience by giving treats when your dog successfully eliminates outside.

Negative feedback during potty training can cause your dog to become anxious, making the learning process longer. Once your doggy knows how to use the bathroom and where it should go, you can give them more freedom while they are inside.

Always be consistent with the potty training routine and make the experience positive.

Identify And Respond To Trigger Behaviors

Triggers can vary, but some standard signals may include whining, pacing, sniffing the floor, and sitting near the door. When these triggers are spotted, immediately take the dog outside.

Wait for adult dogs to eliminate, then provide praise and rewards. If the dog doesn’t go, return inside, watch for more triggers, and try again later. Keep a consistent routine, and always take the dog out after meals.

Preparing Your Home For Potty Training

When potty training older dogs, preparing the home for training is essential, this includes implementing a designated potty area separate from the rest of the house.

It should have a doggie door leading outdoors, and a couple of different absorbing materials like older dogs crate training with grass sod, pea gravel, or artificial turf to accommodate the various needs of your pup.

It would be best to clean up accidents immediately to prevent your pup from returning to the same spot.

Potty Train An Older Dog Today

When you potty train an older dog, it can be tricky, but with patience and consistency, it is doable. Establishing a reward system and ensuring your pup is on a consistent schedule can make training your older dog reasonably easy.

Each pup is different, so don’t forget to make the process enjoyable for them. Remember – with enough consistency & training, you can turn your older dog into the well-mannered adult pooch you always dreamed of. Try it out today!

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