30 Incredible Photobombs That Will Make You LOL

The Angry Sawfish

Source: https://runt-of-the-web.com/

This guy has every right to look a bit freaked out by the sawfish swimming above him. Who knew that these types of rays had faces that made them look like one of the Ghostly Trio brothers in Casper the Friendly Ghost. Just like Fatso, Stinky and Stretch, this fish’s face is sure to freak anybody out.

Back To The Future

Source: https://static.boredpanda.com/

Whether perfectly staged or truly by coincidence, this adorable photo manages to show exactly what the future could hold for this daddy-daughter duo. Inside the shop depicts today while right outside could easily be a ‘10-years down the road’ kind of thing. Pure awesomeness if you ask us.

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