Innovative Way To Live Sustainably As An Apartment Dweller

Apartment Living

As an apartment dweller, you might be under the impression that sustainable living is reserved only for homeowners. But that’s simply not the case! Instead, there are many ways to live a sustainable lifestyle – even in an apartment.

If you have been thinking about ways you can reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle, here are some innovative apartment amenity ideas to get you started on the path to a greener future:

Recycle Whenever Possible

What do plastic, paper, and metal have in common? They can all be recycled! And recycling is among the most simple and effective ways to reduce your environmental impact.

Most apartment complexes offer recycling bins for residents, so take advantage of them! You can recycle items like plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, metal cans, and glass.

Not sure what can be recycled? A quick online search can provide all the information you need. And if your apartment complex doesn’t offer recycling bins, there’s no need to worry – there is always the option to take your recyclables to a local recycling center.

In addition to these everyday use items, other products that can get recycled include smartphones, laptops, monitors, batteries, and light bulbs. These items usually have a longer lifespan than other electronics, but when they eventually need to be replaced, make sure to recycle them properly so they don’t end up in a landfill.

Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Among the fastest ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce energy consumption. And there are several ways you can do this, even as an apartment dweller.

For starters, try to take advantage of natural light as much as possible. For example, open the curtains during the day to let in sunlight and reduce your reliance on artificial light.

In the winter, dress warmly instead of cranking up the heat. And in the summer, using fans and air conditioners sparingly or open windows let in a breeze.

Other ways to reduce energy consumption include unplugging appliances when you’re not using them, investing in energy-efficient appliances, and using LED lightbulbs. These relatively minor adjustments can make a big difference in your energy consumption – and your carbon footprint.

Walk Or Bike Whenever Possible

You could be surprised to discover an estimated 28% of all greenhouse gas emissions created in the United States come from transportation. As you might imagine, these emissions significantly impact the environment.

Walking or biking is not only good for the environment – it’s also good for your health! So if you live close to work, the grocery store, or other places you frequent, keep your vehicle parked and walk or bike instead.

After all, every dollar you save on fuel also helps keep the environment and your wallet a little bit greener.

On days you need to travel further than your feet or two wheels will take you, public transportation is another excellent – and sustainable – option for getting around. If your city has a bus or train system, take advantage of it! Not only is it good for the environment, but it can help you avoid traffic congestion and provide extra time to prepare for the day ahead without the stress of driving.

Invest In Smart Apartment Technology

It’s undeniable that technology has advanced in recent years. And as environmental concerns continue to grow, more and more companies are focused on developing eco-friendly products and technology.

One technology becoming increasingly popular among renters are home assistants, including Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home. These devices can control various aspects of your apartment, including the lights, temperature, and even the blinds if paired.

Another super fun aspect of innovative technology is that users can often control their devices using their voices. So, if you’re ever feeling lazy, you can simply tell your assistant to turn off the lights or the heat without even getting up!

All Sustainability Efforts Add Up!

Yes, living a sustainable apartment lifestyle takes extra effort. But are these efforts worth it? Again, we say, “yes!”

By implementing the eco-friendly strategies that support sustainability above, you can help make a difference for the environment and your wallet. And who knows, you might inspire your friends, family, and neighbors to do the same!

After all, sustainability is a journey, not a destination. So, take small steps today that will make a significant impact tomorrow. Why not be the catalyst that starts a sustainability movement in your apartment complex? We could all use more of that!

This article was brought to you by Link Apartments®, a brand of apartment communities thoughtfully designed with innovative amenities and sustainable features.

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