Overcoming Depression To Live Well

Project Life Mastery

We all experience a range of emotions, from happiness and joy to anger and sadness.

Those emotions are normal neurological responses to external stimuli. So whether it’s the birth of a new child, a job promotion, or the loss of a loved one, the triggers we react to are part of the human experience.

But what happens when those emotions turn negative and linger over time? What if you can’t find a trigger to why you’re feeling a sense of guilt, self-loathing, or just feeling down?

If that’s the case, chances are you’ve developed some depression, and if left untreated, depression can take over and ruin lives.

Getting a professional diagnosis and treatment will help you understand the triggers and techniques to mitigate depression in your life. Understanding the symptoms of depression is the first step toward recovery and wellness.

Symptoms Of Depression

Depression can be sneaky. It won’t always show itself as a person lying under the covers in the bed of a dark room, constantly crying. If that’s the case, that’s an example of severe trauma and depression.

No, depression can be sneaky for both the sufferer and loved ones.

Symptoms of depression can be obvious such as long-term sadness, but often are more subtle in nature.

Knowing the signs of depression is the first step toward recovery and wellness.

By definition, depression is a condition that affects the sufferer causing persistent feelings of sadness and lack of interest. Depression can impact physical well-being and mental health if left unchecked.

Some of the more common signs of depression include;

  • Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness
  • Mood swings, including irritability
  • Inability to sleep or over-abundance of sleeping
  • Lowered libido
  • Disinterest in everyday activities and things that bring joy
  • Change of appetite
  • Lack of interest in personal hygiene and appearance
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Feelings of guilt, self loathing, and emptiness
  • Thoughts of suicide

All-too-often, people treat depression as something that can be overcome and handled by self-medicating, such as with alcohol. Unfortunately, for depressed individuals, alcohol only makes the condition worse.

Depression is a mental condition and isn’t something that a person can “just snap out of,” it requires medical evaluation and treatment.

Recognizing the symptoms of depression, either in yourself or in a loved one, is the first step toward recovery and wellness. Exploring different therapies until you find the solution for your depression is best left to medical professionals.

Treatment For Depression

Treating depression requires a medical evaluation to determine the depths of depression and the type of treatment options that may be necessary.

A typical treatment will lean toward talk therapy, medication, or both. Studies show that these therapeutics will help the brain identify and associate with the changes caused by depression.

Talk Therapy: The three major types of talk therapy include; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavior Therapy, and Psychotherapy.

Cognitive therapeutics focus on thinking about the triggers and solutions of depression, while behavior therapy focuses on the physical environment that may be the cause. Psychotherapy takes an all-encompassing approach to treatment.

Medications: In some cases, a prescription may be required. Antidepressants, SSRIs, and Antipsychotics may be prescribed.

Hospitalization: Intensive care and treatment hospitalization may be necessary in most severe cases, but this step is rare.

Alternative Therapies

In addition to traditional antidepressants and talk therapy, studies have begun to look at alternative remedies.

One of the more promising forms of alternative treatments is the use of psychedelics, specifically psilocybin, or psychedelic mushrooms.

Research shows that psilocybin relieves the symptoms of depression faster and has longer-lasting effects than traditional medications, especially when compared to escitalopram, one of the more common SSRIs.

Additionally, for mild cases of depression, making lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise, changing diets, getting more sleep, focusing on positive thoughts, and eschewing alcohol and drugs, coupled with traditional therapy, is an alternative to medication.

Experiencing joy and sadness is normal. We all have things in life that we enjoy or can be overwhelming.

What’s not normal is when those negative emotions linger or come to dominate our lives. In that case, the chances are that depression has set in and will require professional help to diagnose and treat the depths and causes of the depression.

Overcoming the challenges of depression will help you live a happier life, enjoy the little things, and give you the richness in your life that you deserve.

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