25 Signs And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

The ability of people to function productively and cope effectively with the rigors of daily life greatly depends on their state of health. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) constitution defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” While it is relatively easier to determine a person’s physical health, knowing the state of his psyche or his mind can be quite more challenging.

A person is said to be psychologically healthy when he or she is able to recognize his or her own worth and is able to interact properly behaviorally, and emotionally, allowing him or her to contribute positively to the community to which he or she belongs. But just like the body, the mind can also fall ill, causing a range of conditions or disorders that affect mood, thinking, and behavior, as in the case of Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings. People with this particular disorder have difficulty regulating their emotions and moods, making them experience manic episodes or “high” periods; or depressive bouts, or “lows,” sometimes even experiencing both at the same time.

Sadly, bipolar disorder is far from rare. In 2005, it was found that over 5 million people in the US, roughly around 2.6 percent of the population, suffer from some form of bipolar disorder, and those are just from the known cases. Because the condition is hard to diagnose, it is possible that there are more people out there living with it, which is why knowing what signs to look out for may help someone get the treatment they need.

For your guidance, we have gathered a list of symptoms that could help identify bipolar disorder. Items 1 through 13 are behavioral signs usually occur during a patient’s depressive (low) state; while items 14 through 25 happen during a person’s manic (high) period. However, these symptoms could also appear at any given time, which is why identifying mental disorders can be very challenging.

Here are 25 of the most common signs of bipolar disorder.

1. Suicidal Thoughts

Source: http://noeticpsychiatry.com/

The most serious sign that might indicate an underlying psychological disorder in an individual is when he or she has suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thoughts, or suicidal ideation, is when a person thinks about or creates a plan to killing his or herself.

Ideas of committing suicide may come due to tremendous stress, or, in cases of people with a mental illness such as bipolar disorder, depression; both of which make it difficult for affected individuals to cope. These thoughts of ending one’s life can be a detailed plan, or it can also be a passing consideration. Usually they are temporary and treatable, however, in advance cases, suicidal thoughts put patients at risk for going through with the plan, completing suicide.

If a friend, colleague or loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts, encourage them or bring them to a specialist to seek help. This is so that they may be given the proper care and protection they need while going through their difficult time.

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