15 Signs And Symptoms Of Walking Pneumonia

Walking pneumonia – sounds more like a sci-fi movie than a disease. But it’s quite common and very real. Although the name sounds a little too daunting, it’s not as serious as it sounds. In reality, it’s the least serious kind of pneumonia. It doesn’t require hospitalization or bed rest. If left untreated, however, it can cause headaches and mild fever. Many of the sufferers don’t feel too much discomfort that they can go about their daily lives. Still, a cold that has lasted too long shouldn’t be ignored. Otherwise, it will leave your body susceptible for more serious diseases.

But what is walking pneumonia? It is a non-medical term for a mild case of pneumonia. In medical terms, it is called atypical pneumonia. And as mentioned, it is often born out of bacteria or viruses. For many cases, it is a common bacterium called Mycoplasma pneumonia. The symptons can be mild enough that you can go about your life and continue with your usual schedule. Hence, the term “walking” because it doesn’t stop you from being active.

However, don’t be fooled. Walking pneumonia is no walk in the park and can make you feel uncomfortable. Walking pneumonia is actually more akin to a terrible cold, which means that lots of rest and care is still necessary and required.

So, if you feel that you’ve had the sniffles or a cough that doesn’t seem to go away, here are some of the symptoms of walking pneumonia you need to know more about.

Sign 1 – Coughing and Sputum

Source: https://www.newhealthadvisor.com/

If you’ve had that cough and notice that you need to spit out the mucus (yellow, green, brown, or even bloody), then it could be a sign that you have some form of pneumonia. It may not be conclusive and you may even continue coughing even after the infection has gone. Still, it’s time to go to the doctor for a health check.

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