Spine-Tingling Photos Reveal What Life Is Like In A Legal Bangladeshi Brothel

“They are not just survivors or victims, they are fighting and enjoying their life in their own way.”

Credit: Sandra Hoyn

Bonna, 27, a sexworker in the Kandapara brothel, is laughing with a condom in her hand. When she was 7 years old, she was raped by her stepfather. She ran away from home at 10 and a man picked her off the street and sold her into a brothel. She has two regular customers. On average, she earns 1500 Taka (19 $) per day.


Credit: Sandra Hoyn

Papia, 18, with two customers on the bed in the Kandapara brothel. Her parents died when she was a child and she was married young. She and her husband began doing heroin until she was put in jail. She says that the jail was the best place she has ever been because nobody beats her there. In the jail she got to know a woman who later brought her to the brothel.

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