How Personal Injury Lawyers Protect The Rights Of Pedestrians


According to the current survey, approximately 70% of pedestrians get injured in accidents frequently in Atlanta. Usually, most pedestrians walk to and from other places to save on petrol, for morning walks, exercise, and for various other reasons. Pedestrian injuries are rising in Atlanta, affecting thousands of families and individuals every year. As a pedestrian, you are not protected by the metal framework, airbags, and vehicle seatbelts. Generally, the negligence of motorcyclists, motorists, bicyclists, and auto accidents causes pedestrian accidents in Atlanta. Pedestrian accidents happen due to distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, disobeying traffic rules, and hurrying up in the breakdown lanes. You are easily prone to serious injury and even death as a pedestrian.

You are responsible for using the pedestrian rights to secure yourself. Some pedestrian accident victims are unaware of their rights to compensation and insurance coverage. The compensation given to the pedestrian victims covers the suffering pain, medical expenses, long-term disability expenses, and lost wages.

Hiring a well-experienced pedestrian accident attorney is important since they will help you with the pedestrian accident claim process, negotiate with the insurance companies, protect your rights, and receive the desired compensation. It would be best if you concentrated on recovering from your injuries. Meanwhile, a pedestrian accident lawyer recovers all the damages on your behalf.


Let’s have a look at how personal injury attorneys protect victims’ rights:


  • Insurance Claim Process: Before proceeding to the personal injury attorney, it is necessary to collect all the supporting information, including the faulty driver’s photo, name, address, license information, vehicle number, and eyewitness of your accident. Whether you are at home recovering or in the hospital, you cannot handle the insurance company on your own. But a pedestrian accident attorney can. On behalf of you, they will make the communications complete. They help you to claim your insurance without any costly mistakes. So, your case will easily move forward to the next level.

  • Investigate Accidents: You should choose a pedestrian accident attorney who understands your case details, such as when to file for the lawsuit, settlement, and limitations. Before going for the pedestrian accident attorney, you must collect the case facts. The attorney will investigate your case and promptly support you in receiving the settlement. So, you will get more negotiating power if they identify the evidence which proves your accident injuries.

  • Determine Liability: Moreover, an attorney will perform the investigation process. Hence, they will find who caused the accident and detect whose insurance company to contact to get back the compensation. A pedestrian accident attorney will guide you in offering four components of your claim to get the liability for damages, causation, breach, and duty of care. Additionally, the lawyer will declare the compensation amount for which you are eligible, suggest when and how to reject the low settlement offer, and ensure that you will get the compensation you need.

  • Settlement Negotiations: Personal injury law attorney makes the negotiation discussions with the insurance company to reach a reasonable and fair settlement. Lawyers will easily understand the tactics utilized by insurance companies. With their great negotiation skills and experience as attorneys, they will surely support you in securing the settlement. Suppose the faulty driver’s vehicle is uninsured; there are insufficient policy limits and no insurance; then they have to pay the full compensation to you.

  • Case Filing: Remember one important thing, you should never delay the case; if you postpone, you will not be able to win the case and compensation. How fast you proceed, will be beneficial in your compensation and case against the faulty driver. The lawyer will surely fight for the pedestrian in court if the insurance company does not agree to offer a good settlement. Moreover, they will file a strong case against the insurance company. The attorney convinces the insurance company to pay the settlement strictly. So, the insurance company will do the fast settlement for your pedestrian lawsuit.

Atlanta has the best laws to protect pedestrians. You should hire a personal injury attorney for your pedestrian accident case. Whether, in case, you are not responsible for the accident, then you will be eligible for compensation. Moreover, a personal injury attorney will guide you in counseling and medical treatment.

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