30 Top Athletes With Salaries That Will Blow Your Mind

Conor McGregor

Source: Screenshot from https://amp.businessinsider.com

Considering that MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is considered quite a new professional sport having its very first event in 1993, it has grown with incredible speed. Conor McGregor began his career in MMA in 2008 and has made a name for himself, almost unrivaled by any other fighter in the octagon. He earned $99 million in a span of 1 year alone, $85 million of that was made during his historic boxing match against Mayweather. And just like he said himself, he may have lost the match, but he sure hasn’t lost the battle.


Source: Screenshot from https://estaticos.sport.es

Brazilian soccer star, Neymar, began his career at the tender age of 17 years old, debuting on the Santos team. And while he began his career only making $1.2 million, he has come very far since then. He was last reported to have made $90 million, and enjoys spending his money too, even playing private World Series poker games. But what he probably spends a lot of his money on is his incredible number of haircuts, as well as Gaga Milano watches.

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