30 Warning Signs That Someone You Know Is Actually Evil

They Lie All The Time

Source: Screenshot from https://www.aconsciousrethink.com

People with bad intentions tend to fabricate stories, making up lies about the things they have done or accomplished in their lives. And while we’d be liars ourselves if we never admitted to doing it ourselves, those with the worst hearts normally make up stories not just about themselves, but about others too. And if that lie actually comes back to haunt them, they’ll make up another one and blame it all on you.

They Refuse To Say Sorry

Source: https://thoughtcatalog.files.wordpress.com

Black-hearted people refuse to say sorry. In fact, they think that they don’t owe anyone an apology for anything that happens, regardless of how much they are at fault. They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes because they always think that their actions don’t need excusing.

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