Brain-Dead Teenager Comes Back To Life Hours Before Organ Donation.

Reconnecting His Skull


Incredibly, Trenton only has half of his skull attached at the moment, while the other half is left frozen in the hospital. Yet in spite of that, Trenton has gone on to joke about his physical condition, which has a portion of his skull dented, saying, “I said I could turn sideways and put salsa in there and eat chips and dip out of my head. No more washing dishes for me!”

He Actually Wanted To Try It


Crazily enough, young Trenton claims that he actually wanted to attempt to put something on the dent in his head. He shares, “[My mother] wouldn’t let me put nothing in it though. I really wanted to see if I could.” But along with all of his medical issues also comes the immense expense that goes hand in hand with them as well.

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