Brain-Dead Teenager Comes Back To Life Hours Before Organ Donation.

Organ Donation


Considering Trenton’s age and the health of his other organs, he was an incredibly fit candidate to become an organ donor. His doctors would suggest that they donate his organs to kids that could really use them. Jennifer went on to explain again on Facebook, “Doctors said the next time his heart stopped they had to let him die… or I could sign a paper to donate his organs to save five other kids…”

He Would Give To 5 Kids


Amazingly, Trenton would be able to donate his organs to 5 different children that could use them. And while his family wanted to find a way to save and prolong his life, it would seem that keeping him on life support was doing the opposite. Jennifer continued in her explanation, “…so I signed it [the papers]… I knew he would not hesitate to save 5 more lives.”

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