30 Brilliant And Crazy Baby Shower Games That Everyone Will Love

The Tinkle Game

Source: https://kinstacdn.com

For anyone that has had the pleasure of being pregnant, especially in the their 3rd trimester, can probably recall just how many times you find the need to tinkle! Well, while this game doesn’t test that exactly, it does put your thigh muscles to the test. Like a relay race, the group is divided into two, given ping-pong balls, balloons and one canister per team. Team members must put a balloon under their shirt, walk with a ping-pong ball between their thighs from about 10 feet until they reach the canister, and try to shoot the ping-pong ball into the canister, all the while making sure that they don’t use their hands at all. Whoever gets the most ping-pong balls into the canister wins the game!

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