Couple Finds Secret Trap Door In Their New Home. What They Found Hidden Inside Is Amazing…

Two Working Pocket Watches


What was even more amazing was that 2 of the pocket watches looked like they were in perfect working condition. Although they obviously had some age to them, they were still quite pretty, quite shiny, and had almost pristine white faces. And they were ticking away exactly as they should. Just utterly incredible!

An Old Girl Scout Ring


But what was more curious was that the ring belonged to the Girl Scouts. And since the Girl Scouts had been formed in the year 1912, then could it have been that it was a female member of the group who had owned this box. So maybe it was an older lady, or a grandmother who had owned a number of collectibles that decided to leave it to one of her grandchildren. Too bad Matt and his wife will never know the answer to any of these pressing questions.

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