Couple Gets Home And Finds A Broken Window… They Couldn’t Believe Who The Intruder Was

A Huge Wild Turkey


To their complete and utter surprise, a wild turkey had found its way inside their house. And not only had it broken into their house, it seemed to be quite comfortable hanging out on their lovely red sofa. And although it seemed content to be inside the house, it looked just as wary of the couple as the couple was of it.

Not Knowing Who Else To Call


After realizing that it wasn’t an actual intruder, the couple decided to do the only thing they thought they could, which was to call 911. As soon as an operator answered, Mrs. Peterson explains, laughing while she speaks, “It’s kind of an odd request,” they told the police. “[We] don’t know if [we] should call you or what, but we just came home from being gone—and a wild turkey flew into our front window and is now in our house.”

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