18 Famous Presidents And Their Secret Lovers Will Shock You

Grover Cleveland & Maria Crofts Halpin

12. Maria Crofts Halpin

Cleveland’s opponent during the 1884 U.S. Presidential Elections, James Blaine accused him of having an affair and an illegitimate child with Marie Haplin. He knew this because Cleveland paid child support and the child’s surname was Cleveland, though Maria was admitted to a mental asylum after giving birth and the child was adopted to another family.

James Buchanan & William Rufus King

william rufus king

When the former president Buchanan’s wife passed away, he got close to then future VP William King. The pair not only attended many social events but even moved in together and were described as inseparable. Some even called King “his wife,” and several letters showed that he tried to hit on other men while King was gone in France because he was lonely.

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