Father Spent Over $51 Million To Build A Theme Park For His Special Needs Daughter.

Completing The Plans

Source: http://static.oprah.com

Hartman decided to gather an amazing team compiled of therapists, parents, doctors, as well as people with disabilities and without to help plan how the park would function. And not just that, but he needed resource people to help him know what exactly they would require in order to make it the kind of park where kids and adults of all different abilities and disabilities could go and have the time of their lives.

Morgan’s Wonderland

Source: http://lonestartees.com/

In 2010, after 3 years of planning, constructing, consulting and creating the ultimate all-inclusive theme park, Morgan’s Wonderland was opened to the world. Sitting on 25-acres of an unused quarry in San Antonio, Texas, the dream of Gordon Hartman for his daughter finally came true. And the even more amazing part was that he would eventually make the dreams of over 500,000 people every single year come true too.

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