He Rescued Three Kittens Only To Find Out They Weren’t Just Any Ordinary Cats

Moving On To Solids

Source: http://s23257.pcdn.co/

Eventually, as the days passed, the two male felines were able to eat solid food. Not only were they gaining back their strength, but they were beginning to gain the weight they needed and grow bigger as well, which would be the only way they would ever have a chance to make it in the wild if they would be able to ever release them.

Their Appetites Grew

Source: http://boredomtherapy.com/

Soon enough, the cats were not only gaining weight, their appetites grew, as well as their penchant for moving around quite a bit too. The doctors also knew that they couldn’t domesticate the kittens too much, for if they did, there was no way that they would ever be able to release them back into their natural habitat.

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