One Man Accidentally Found A Loophole in an ATM and Stole $500,000

Paying Debts

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Saunders’ personal account was overdrawn by $1,997. He needed to pay it back. Unfortunately, he had already spent the $2,000 he got. So, he sought for a way to get it back. He knew that the pub he worked for was frequented by horse trainers. Hence, he often got hot tips during races. He bet whatever he had left on a horse. Unfortunately, lady luck wasn’t on his side. He had lost everything. He was in a rut once again.

What To Do

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Working as a barman, Saunders only earned $700 on a weekly basis. He had other expenses to worry about and knew that it would take him months before he could repay the bank. So that very night, he returned to the NAB teller machine. He was able to transfer $2,000 from his credit card to his savings account. The trick worked and he was back in the black once more!

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