Pregnant Woman Was Advised To Give Her Dog Away…If She Listened, She Wouldn’t Be Alive Today.

Having The Baby


Finally, her son, whom they named Lincoln, was born healthy and well, thanks to Keola the Akita. And Alhanna could not help but express how happy she was that she not only didn’t listen to anyone who told her to get rid of her dog, but that she had her amazing furry best friend to thank for becoming a mother. She even posted a video showing her gratitude and appreciation for Keola, which eventually went viral and made her story known to the rest of the world.

An Unbreakable Bond


Not only has Keola remained sweet and unbelievably loyal to her human ‘mom’ and ‘dad,’ she has also quickly formed a heartwarming bond with her ‘brother’ Lincoln. Alhanna says that Keola is just as protective of her little ‘brother’ as she is of the entire family.

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