Pregnant Woman Was Advised To Give Her Dog Away…If She Listened, She Wouldn’t Be Alive Today.

Keola’s Intuition Was Right


Alhanna couldn’t believe what she was seeing. In fact, she couldn’t believe just how perceptive her amazing dog was. She shares, “I grabbed it and saw a faint second line – I couldn’t believe it. I showed Ricky straight away and said Keola was saying I was pregnant but he said the line was too faint and it was just coincidence so we binned it again.” But low and behold, Alhanna was apparently already 2 weeks pregnant. Keola was right!

Finally Expecting


When Alhanna’s friends found out that the couple was finally expecting, many of them told her to get rid of her dog. Although they were well-meaning friends, Alhanna knew that there was no way she would ever give up her beloved, furry friend. Keola was a very important part of their small family, and that’s how it was going to remain. Despite that, friends were concerned about what would happen with Keola once the baby arrived.

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