30 Rules The Kardashians Live By That Prove Just How Crazy They Are

Caitlyn Can’t Be Caitlyn… When She’s With Kris At Least

Source: https://hearstapps.com

It was obvious during the pre-Caitlyn Jenner days that Kris wore the pants in the relationship. So this rule of Kris for Caitlyn isn’t unexpected even though it’s still a strange one. Caitlyn told a magazine, “The rules, kind of, for Kris and I [were] don’t dress up, certainly around the house. If you really feel the need to do that, when you’re on the road take stuff and do that.” So that’s exactly what Caitlyn did when she had her own space in order, as she puts it, “just to feel a little bit better about myself. And I kind of dealt with it that way.”

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