Things You Owned In the 90s Worth Lots of Money Today

Polly Pocket

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Matel bought the brand back in 1998 and since then, the Polly Pocket dolls and their playhouses have only gotten bigger. If you have one that’s still in a well-sealed box, it can fetch for as much as $600 or higher. Even if it has been opened, one that’s in good condition can make you earn tons of good money.

Pokemon Cards

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Even back then, a Charizard card was a rare find. Now, even More rare still. If you are raring to catch them all, one that’s in mint condition could get you $5,000 in cash. It’s time to open those boxes and see if you have some collectibles hidden in their somewhere. If you have the complete collection, then it’s time to plan out a shopping spree.

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