Things You Owned In the 90s Worth Lots of Money Today

Game Boy Color

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You’d be the coolest kid in school if you had this almost 20 years ago. Of course, Nintendo came up with better models, and now, everyone is into the 3D games that weren’t available back then. Still, this nostalgic gadget can be sold for as high as $300 on eBay. That’s not a bad trade for something that’s considered out of style.

Britney Spears Vinyl Record

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Everyone is into downloading songs nowadays, but back then, they had to wait for the records to be sold in stores. There’s also something about listening to music on vinyl. Hence, when Britney released an album and the producers decided to make a physical album for its users, people were all agog about it. Now, you can sell this for $400 for this extra special LP.

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