Woman Faked Her Own Kidnapping, Posts Staged Video On Facebook

Her Story Begins To Unravel

Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk

Police were adamant to capture her so-called assailant, ‘Tony,’ and they kept pressing Williams for more and more information. This is when things began to fall apart. Her story would become conflicting, and very inconsistent with the last thing she said. So the detectives did the only thing they knew to do, they pressed further.

Getting Caught Up In The Lies

Source: https://www.unilad.co.uk

While the authorities investigated even further, they found a surveillance tape of Williams in a McDonald’s near her home. But what was strange was that she was seen in their security video during a time that she had claimed she was tied up at home. This is basically what made the police realize that the entire kidnapping was all a lie.

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