You Won’t Believe These Kids Turned Out To Be Monsters

Mao Zedong

17. Mao Zedong 2Mao is known for single-handedly destroying traditional Chinese culture with his communistic strategies and altering the economy from agrarian to industrial. Under his dictatorship, 40 to 70 million people are estimated to have died through starvation, executions, and forced labor.

Benito Mussolini

18. Benito Mussolini 2He had no hesitation slaughtering entire villages that harbored protesters. During World War II, he sided with Hitler to the disagreement of many of his people. Eventually, he was captured and executed by Italian rebels.

Albert Desalvo

19. Albert DesalvoHe loved to torture animals as a child. He was connected to 13 strangulation murders in the Boston area. DNA evidence after his death proved his guilt in at least one murder. He also committed a series of rapes, for which he received a sentence of life in prison.

Emperor Hirohito

20. Emperor Hirohito 2Born and raised into royalty, he assumed the role of emperor after his father’s death in 1926. He ruled until 1989, leading his armies to kill and rape millions of Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Filipino, and Indochinese citizens through the years.

Nicolae Ceausescu

21. Nicolae CaeusescuHe is a Romanian Communist Politician, dubbing himself with the name “Geniul din Carpai” which translates to, “The Genius of the Carpathians.” His regime saw severe starvation of people, shortage of food, and extremely brutal police forces killing millions of people.

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