Everyday Activities You Can’t Do In North Korea

No Mohawks

Photo source: https://i.pinimg.com/

Men and women must follow a norm, not just for dressing, but also for hairstyles. There are 28 government approved haircuts, which may answer your question: why do they look alike? Anyone who strays from it will find themselves in hot water, which no one really wants to be in.

No Living Anywhere They Want

Photo source: https://www.38north.org/

The citizens aren’t allowed to leave the country, but their living conditions within North Korea are dictated as well. Pyonyang, the nation’s capital, houses some of the most illustrious and moneyed citizens. The rich comprise a very miniscule portion of the population. The rest, however, need to live elsewhere. They need permission, approval, and tons of connections in order to live in the city’s capital.

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