Everyday Activities You Can’t Do In North Korea

No Talking Bad Against the Government

Photo source: https://voiceofpeopletoday.com/

Kim Jong-Un is the government, and because you can’t talk smack about him, the same rule applies to the government. Say one bad word against them and you’ll find yourself thrown into camp, being re-educated and doing hard labor. It’s basically about showing respect and worshipping the government because this is the end-all and be-all of existence.

No Alcohol

Photo Source: https://goo.gl/

This is a country for sober individuals. This would be perfect for those who are trying to stay away from alcohol. While drinking isn’t entirely prohibited, there are days assigned for alcohol. A man was once caught with a bottle while the whole country was supposed to be mourning for Kim Jong Il’s death. He was executed with a mortar not long after.

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