Everyday Activities You Can’t Do In North Korea

No Bad Mouthing the Leader

Photo source: https://e3.365dm.com/

Kim Jong-Un can do no wrong, or at least that’s what he wants them to believe. Don’t say anything against him…ever. And nobody has dared. At least not out loud. He rules by fear and with an iron fist, and all he wants to hear from his people are compliments. Otherwise, death will come to them swiftly and surely.

No Taking Down Posters

Photo source: http://www.koreanposters.com/

North Korean government loves to put up state propaganda posters all over. These have been used to spread information and promote the government, and because the country rules under the assumption that the people have no say in anything, the posters are to be left as they are. If anyone messes with it, then he or she better get ready of years of hard and intense labor.

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