Ex-Convict Thought Life Was Going To Be Better After Winning $27 Million Lotto- It Only Got Worse …

Two Is Company

Source: https://images1.browardpalmbeach.com

David had always struggled with the lure of Oxytocin, having started to take it before because of his back, but he was able to control his craving for years. After his wife started taking drugs the urge became irresistible, and soon they were selling things they owned to pay off their debts and to buy the drugs they were hooked on. Things became more and more disturbing, with them littering their room with syringes to them finally, and literally, turning the house upside down. Tiffani was never able to sleep in her picture-perfect bedroom again, but then the good times had been over before that. Fortunately, a neighbor felt sorry for her and for her stepbrother and took them in.

Fighting To Stay

Source: http://www.illinoisdivorceattorneysblog.com

It did not matter how things were turning out, Tiffani liked living there and wanted to be near her father. She managed to keep her phone and pretended to her mother that everything was all right. When her mom found out about David getting back into drug use, she decided to try to get Tiffani back and brought him to court to fight for custody. David was not present during any of the custody hearings. Tiffani had no choice but to live with her mother, since the father who had given her a beautiful life in The Sunshine State was nowhere to be found.

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