Explorers Ventured Into A Dangerous 300-Year Old Russian Mine – What They Discovered Revealed Dark Secrets Of The Past…

A tourist site

Photo source: The Daily Mail

With Mikhail’s genius and bravery, the Ural Mountains have become a hot-button topic for tourists who crave for a different kind of adventure. Many say that it’s an adrenaline high once you go through the tunnels and glimpse at the shafts that lead you deep into the earth. And who knows, with an abundance of natural resources, there just might be so much more to learn and discover.

The man behind it all

Photo source: https://www.slavorum.org

Mikhail is undoubtedly a genius. He has spent a good portion of his career as a photographer exploring mines despite the dangers these pose. His haunting pictures have been admired by millions and because of his documentation of the Urals, people have come to see the beauty of history for themselves.

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