20+ Incredible And Disturbing China Images They Don’t Want The World To See

9.  The “Little Monkey”


Newborn baby found with a tail.

PZI People reported about the 11-month old baby, Yangyang, (pseudonym), who was born with a 6-inch tail in Yibin, southwest China’s Sichuan province. Doctors believed that his spine was not properly developed. It was also a shock because Yangyang’s mother had not been told about any abnormality during prenatal examinations. His family nicknamed him “little monkey”. His family was hesitant to get the tail removed but he was able to have his operation last May after developing weakening in his legs. Yangyang was later diagnosed with neural tube defects. The cause of Yangyang’s disease is caused by a deficiency of folic acid that the child’s mother could have taken in the form of supplements during her pregnancy.

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