20+ Incredible And Disturbing China Images They Don’t Want The World To See

10. The “Black Rain”


Granular black liquid covered cars, houses, and even people.

At around 8 am on November 14, 2016, a community in Hangzhou was stunned to see “black rain” falling from the sky, based on a Rachfeed report. The grainy black liquid drenched cars, houses, laundry, and people. It was the first time for many locals in that area to experience that certain “phenomenon”. The “black rain” was actually the result of an accidental rupture of a tank filled with raw petroleum powder leading particles to float up into the air before raining down on the locals. Air pollution is one of the biggest problems in China that constantly poses a huge threat to the general public’s health. It’s such a big problem that Chinese people are now buying “fresh air” from malls!

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