20+ Incredible And Disturbing China Images They Don’t Want The World To See

22. “Cellphone lane” for texting pedestrians


A cellphone lane has been created for texting pedestrians.

Smartphone addicts have been given their own walking lane so as not to bump into normal walking pedestrians in Chonqing, China, Pultastic reported. The city authorities have designated a 30-metre (100 ft) “cellphone lane” for people who use their phones while walking. But then again, it is a direct copy of the 18th Street, Washington DC in July which was created for an experiment into crowd behavior by the National Geographic TV Channel. More and more people have been inclined to the idea of “distracted walking”, which is a real problem in the present. But it seems the people of Chonqing don’t really see this as a huge problem.

It’s not actually that surprising to see such disturbing images from China. The country has a very large population, which makes it harder for the government to make sure that everything is done right and that every citizen is safe and healthy. Even with these photos, however, we should still try to have an open mind and not negatively judge China and the Chinese people. Cultures are different from country to country, after all.

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