Insane Photographs Of Incredibly Drunk People In Public.

Flying High


Some people don’t enjoy flying so they drink in order to get through the fact that they are inside a pressurized tube flying 30,000 feet up in the air. And while this particular passenger seems to have downed a huge quantity of alcohol, he stopped enjoying it once he passed out, while the pilot got in a few selfies. Hopefully the plane had already landed when he got a whiff of these pics.

Hanging By A Thread


It would seem like this guy probably thought he was able to make it home, and like most, hung up his jacket for the night. But little did he actually know, he was still in it. At least if he ends up having to throw up the contents of his stomach sometime in the middle of the night, he’s in the most opportune position to do so. That is until his jacket decides to give way from all the weight. Good luck, buddy, that fall will not be pretty.

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