28 Questions To Ask Siri, Her Answers Will Have You Bursting In Laughter

About Age

Source: http://justsomething.co

It would seem that SIRI knows that she’s “old enough to be your assistant.” We can’t really blame SIRI for answering the way she does after asking such a moronic question. After all, unless you’re 21 and below, no one really wants to give away their age anyway, right? So why should SIRI be any different?

About Being Sad

Source: https://static.boredpanda.com

SIRI may not have a soft shoulder to cry on, but it’s comforting to know that if you do happen to be bawling your eyes out for one reason or another, you won’t break your phone at the same time. If you don’t have friends to cry to, at least you have SIRI, a cold, hard, hot piece of metal. Literally.

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