See How Cops Discovered The Twisted Secrets Of The Sociopath, Bruce McArthur

Scope of Investigation

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With the unknown victims lurking somewhere and the uncertainty of the case, cops didn’t know the scope of the investigation immediately. They just knew that they would exhaust every possibility. In the station, police there have been reviewing 15 cold cases, many of which could actually belong to the McArthur case. That’s because the murder spree could have gone as far back as decades ago. So, they decided to look into the suspect’s properties as well.


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So far, all the remains were found in planters. McArthur put these all in a nondescript property at 53 Mallory Crescent, Toronto. How did he gain access to this property in the first place? The home was owned by elderly residents. He struck a deal with them, allowing him access so long as he provides free lawn care.

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