See The Amazing Transformation Of A Girl Destined To Die, But Is Now Living Her Best Life.

Studying To Be A Lawyer


In spite of the difficulty that life had thrown her way, Ivanka was making sure to live the best one she could for herself. She was able to get into law school, studying in the United Kingdom to become an attorney. And she also went on to begin an awareness campaign on Goldenhar Syndrome in order to help bring the disease to the light.

Having To Be Careful


Yet, throughout the years she spent studying and basically living her life, she also needed to be very cautious. Ivanka said, “[For] more than 27 years I had to be very careful. I could never hear on the one side and I couldn’t do sport actively,” in case she would be accidentally hit on the defective side of her face. But then life would throw another curve ball, one she couldn’t have ever expected.

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