Someone Is Tracking You On Your Smartphone, And This Is How You Know.

So How Do You Stop It From Happening In The First Place?


While being able to track your phone for yourself is one tool that people are grateful for, having your device followed by others is a completely different story on its own. So even if you are certain that no one has actually begun to track you on your device, you still want to make sure that you’re arming yourself with the right tools, so that no one will actually get the chance to do it in the first place. Take a look at a few tips on how to protect yourself, and moreover, your mobile device.

Don’t Jailbreak Your Smartphone


One way to keep your device safe is by not doing the wrong thing by ‘jailbreaking’ it. When you say jailbreak, it means that you open up your phone and put in certain software that’s not actually allowed by the manufacturer. This technique is also common for those too cheap to buy their own apps, so they find ways to download them illegally. But you also open up your device to a whole slew of illegal activity as well, including following you, or rather your gadget, around.

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